My Blog: In Search of Understanding, Beauty, and Love

Blogging is a relatively new phenomenon; it has been around for less than 30 years. As of 2019, there were more than 500 million blogs out of 1.7 billion websites worldwide. This means that approximately 30% of all websites on the Internet are blogs. So, one might ask, “What do you have to offer, and what is your purpose in this vast ocean of blogs?”

Much has been written about how to create a successful and exciting blog. In his book “The Innovators,” Walter Isaacson tells the story of Justin Hall, who is considered the pioneer of blogging. According to Isaacson, Hall’s recipe for blogging success is to “stay casual, get personal, and be provocative.” While this attitude may be more applicable to the topic of workplace dress codes, I’m sure some of it will show up in my writing, too.

I once heard that one’s legacy is made of diaries, photo albums, and a library of books, to which I would add the memories the loved-one leaves in others. Aware of my mortality, I want my blog to add a dimension to my legacy.

For some time, I have used my website to document my visual artwork and tell stories of my travels through photographs and diaries. After visiting a recent art exhibition that touched me, I shared my reflections on Facebook. That experience inspired me to create a blog where I could document my thoughts on a variety of subjects. I find beauty in seemingly opposing things, such as poetry and computer chips, orderly processes, chaotic dance, paintings, and computer coding. At the core, for me, it’s all about beauty and love, and My Blog is a platform for summarizing the thoughts I have been contemplating for many years.

I enjoy the process of writing and delivering to the blogosphere and receive great satisfaction from editing photos and putting sentences together, one piece at a time. My goal is to enrich, enlighten, entertain, and hopefully bring a smile to your face, dear reader, who stopped by to spend a few moments looking and reading.

Thank you

October 2019